Replacing Your Interior Doors? Here’s What You Should Know!

There are many different reasons why someone would opt for custom interior doors in their home, and we will cover those reasons in a moment; but for now, it is good to know that sourcing them for your home is actually a fairly simple affair.

There are quite a few custom door suppliers in and around South Africa, and while not all of them would be able to turn the entrances in your home into masterpieces, finding the right one can make all the difference to the quality of workmanship, the affordability of the door, as well as the speed and care that are used when fitting it to your home.

So, if you have been looking to have your interior doors replaced with something that has the exact character and functionality you are looking for; this article will help you make some of the most important decisions associated with getting a custom interior door.

We will look at a few good reasons to consider doing it, how to make a choice between the materials that make up the door, and of course, how to ensure that you go with the right door supplier in Cape Town to get the job done right.

Reasons for Replacing your Interior Doors

There are a number of reasons why someone may choose to have their interior doors replaced. Our homes are much like our bodies or cars in that, if we want to get the most out of them, we have to take care of them. Sometimes that simply means a fresh lick of paint to bring in a little vibrancy; other times that means making a change.

In the case of your home or office; in fact, in any interior space, doors don’t last forever. Sure, they will serve you for a long, long time. But eventually, you might grow tired of looking at it, you might want to renovate an entire section of the structure or age may simply take its toll.

So let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why people choose to have custom interior doors made for their homes.

Replacing Damaged Doors

Over time, your doors will start to take damage from wear, tear and a lifetime of opening and closing. The damage can take place in a number of ways.

Hinges may begin to wear, the materials in the door may start to decay, an accident could have left the door in bad shape or the frame might lose its structural integrity and appeal after many, many years of use.

With lower quality doors these problems may settle in sooner rather than later, which makes it important to pick the right quality door for your replacement; but we’ll get to that a little later in this blog.

Improving Interior Privacy & Partitioning Openings

You may want to opt for a replacement interior door if you are redirecting the way your home or office spaces are laid out, or to enhance the privacy of all or certain areas within the structure.

Where arches or openings need to be closed up while still requiring access, doors are an excellent solution.

They are also ideal where expansions or changes in the home require for an area to be given more privacy, especially as a cost-effective solution that adds to the aesthetics of the area.

Even if the new door represents the smallest of changes to the structure, it can make a massive difference.

Improving Aesthetics

The next reason why someone might choose to have their interior doors replaced, particularly when it comes to custom interior doors, is to simply enhance the aesthetics and style of their home or office.

Doors come in all shapes and sizes, can be custom made to your exact specifications, and as such, provide an endless number of ways to enhance the look and feel of internal spaces.

Raising the Value of Your Home or Building

If you are planning on renting out or selling your home or property in the near future, one of the best ways to make it more profitable is to conduct renovations to enhance its value.

These renovations need not always be major, they can simply add to what is already there or could even be a change as small as a stylish, well-made custom interior door.

Selecting the Best Materials for Interior Doors

If any of the above reasons ring true with you then you are likely already looking at your options for replacements. You have probably been met with an overwhelming selection of materials, with aluminium and wooden doors being the most prominent of them.

If you have been a bit stuck on which material to select; don’t worry, it is supposed to be a difficult choice. In the case of wood and aluminium, each has its own unique properties, advantages and disadvantages that will determine whether or not it is viable for you.

Let’s explore them here; but first, there are a few considerations to make:

Considerations to Make

Some of the factors that will determine your needs for materials in a custom interior door include how much safety and security it offers you, how it fits into the space around it aesthetically and how much value you will get out of the material based on its price.

Safety & Security

Safety and security are important considerations to make. Even with interior doors, you should expect the materials used to be robust enough to provide you with adequate protection should you need it.

The other side of this coin concerns personal safety, particularly with something like how fireproof the door is. The materials used should be able to withstand high temperatures in the event that one should break out within the structure.

Aesthetics, Style & Theme

Next, you need to consider how the material used to produce the door will fit into the overall aesthetic composition of the space it is being used in.

To do this you need to carefully consider the surrounding décor, furniture, textures and materials to determine which one will compliment them properly.

Cost and Value

The third consideration to make is the coupling of cost and value.

It goes without saying that different materials will come at differing costs, and they will also offer varying degrees of strength, longevity and requirements for maintenance; all of which contribute to the overall value of the door.

You want to look at the relationship between what it costs and what it gives you, to determine what you can get out of the budget you have allocated for yourself.

With that out of the way, let’s take a brief look at the two most commonly used materials for custom interior doors; aluminium and wood, in terms of their properties, their advantages and their drawbacks.

This will help you make a more informed choice when selecting between these two materials.

Wooden Doors

Wood offers a bit of cost-effectiveness alongside strength and reliability. It is found inside of just about all structures, is one of the most important materials used in construction.

It is commonly used for doors where they can be treated and painted to match the aesthetics of surrounding areas or left with their natural gradients; depending on the needs of the home.


There are a number of benefits to using wood for custom interior doors. Depending on the type of wood you opt for, it can be a remarkably cost-effective option; it is also often easier to work with wood during manufacturing which ensures a good quality finish.

Wood is also relatively lightweight (especially when compared to alloys) with a specific gravity of less than one; which makes transportation of the materials and the installation of the door that little bit easier.

Wood is also generally quite strong, especially when compared to its weight. Which is why it is very commonly used for both exterior and interior doors.

Its natural textures and colours also make wood an excellent addition to homes in terms of their style and aesthetics, especially when correctly treated.


Wood does come with its disadvantages, however. Firstly, it is porous, which makes it fairly easily damaged by moisture, especially if it isn’t properly treated. When this happens it could be the result of wood-rot, warping, shrinkage or swelling.

Of course, these problems generally only occur when the wood has not been properly treated or maintained, which brings us to the next disadvantage of wood; it typically has fairly high maintenance requirements.

Aluminium Doors

Aluminium has a high strength to weight ratio, is highly reflective, corrosive resistant and offers a sleek appearance to the areas it is fitted to. It is also pretty easy to clean making it an excellent choice for hygiene.


There are a number of excellent benefits to aluminium doors. Firstly, they are not porous, making them an excellent choice for applications where sound, air and temperature insulation is important. This makes the spaces they are used in more energy efficient.

Of course, it also offers something special in the way of aesthetics and longevity. Aluminium is simply beautiful thanks to its reflective properties, and their corrosion and weather resistance, as well as their superior strength, will ensure that they last a long time, even with very little maintenance.


If we have to squeeze a drawback out of aluminium doors it would have to be this. They are quite a bit more costly than wooden doors are, but only when it comes to the initial investment on the material. When you compare the two in terms of value for money and long-term costs of maintenance, aluminium eventually pays for itself.

Finding the Right Supplier

Now that you have your ideal materials in mind and you’ve given some serious thought to the reasons why you want to replace your current one, it is time to find a supplier that you can be sure will get the job done right.

This isn’t as simple as you may expect, and making the wrong choice can lead to some disappointing results.

For that reason, you should consider the following points when looking at prospective companies to go with. How experienced are the business and its team, do they understand your vision clearly and communicate that with you, and what are their customers saying about their experiences with the service being offered?

Consider their Experience

You first want to look at how long they have been in business for, and what their track record has been like in that time. Have they produced doors similar to the one that you have in mind, and how long have they been installing them for?

How Clear is Communication?

Getting your idea across to them and having them work it into the custom door you envisioned is not always easy. So, choose a company that shows a knack for clear communication. They need to understand your vision clearly, and should also communicate to you the exact process, complete with complications, that will be involved in producing and installing your door.

What are their Customers Saying?

Take a look at what their customers are saying about them.

These days a quick Google of their company name will give you this information; if they have a social page on platforms like Facebook, take a look there at what their customers are saying.

Contact Mega Doors for Details

Mega Doors is a leading manufacturer and supplier of custom interior doors in Cape Town with years of experience in creating bespoke doors and frames that meet the exact specifications of our customers.

If you would like to know more about our offers on the interior and exterior doors or would like to know more about our related services and products, feel free to get into contact with a representative from Mega Doors today.

Alternatively, we invite you to browse through our website for further information on who we are, what we do, and how we can assist you now.

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